Sunday, August 23, 2020
Medicare Essay Thesis Example For Students
Medicare Essay Thesis â€Å"Medical Care, Medical Costs: The Search for a Health Insurance Policy†is an article byRashi Fein delineates the improvement of Blue Cross and Medicare. It follows the needfor, just as the history, and advantages of these two projects. The reason for this articleis to make the peruser mindful of the powerlessness of the old and the handicapped to finance theirown clinical consideration and to show the requirement for help of Medicare by the network toshare in the vulnerability. The difference of the sorts and wellsprings of the proof aides toThis article is coordinated towards the non-antiquarian. It is an endeavor to pass on to thecommon voter the significance of Medicare. This heading towards the non-student of history canbe found in the utilization of endnotes over commentaries, just as the intrigue toward the finish of thearticle declaring that the comprehension of Medicare by the voters would prompt itsFurther proof of this design is outlined all through the article. The authorslowly develops a comprehension of the requirement for Medicare and Blue Cross by following thedevelopment of protection. And afterward efficiently indicating how the old anddisabled would be not able to get the consideration they need without it. This article holds togetherin the deliberate way it covers the issue. Another point that holds the article together is its utilization of for the most part essential sourcematerials. This mitigates a portion of the hazard associated with indiscriminately tolerating different historiansinterpretations. Additionally, the insightful idea of these articles assists with supporting the article’sThis article achieves it’s motivation behind persuading the peruser concerning the necessityof Medicare using relevant and academic proof, just as through thewell spread out organization. This article would be helpful in filling its need as an instrument toconvince voters with regards to the need of Medicare.Bibliography:
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Why were the police unable to catch Jack the Ripper Free Essays
There are a few factors that can be utilized for why the killer was never gotten, right off the bat: There were no observers, regardless of whether this was a piece of the killers plan, to discover somebody without individuals, or to slaughter them some place confined at that point dump their body somewhere else is obscure. It could be accounted to karma that there were no observers, and the individuals who came forward to give proof gave a few unique portrayals, which repudiated one another. On the off chance that there was somebody who saw the homicide, perhaps he would have been gotten. We will compose a custom exposition test on For what reason were the police incapable to get Jack the Ripper? or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now The casualties were whores; individuals who as a rule dodged the police in any case. They were simple casualties for a few reasons. Right off the bat, they had a hazardous calling at any rate, they gambled being pummeled and killed each night, so perhaps with a sequential executioner out their, they didn’t consider their to be as any lower or any higher of being killed. They likewise truly required the cash, to hazard going out each night, they were exceptionally poor, so they despite everything went out. They would assume customers to a position that was separated from others, it made it simpler for the homicide, as noone would hear them, and there would be no observers. Likewise whores were frequently flushed and defenseless at any rate, making them simpler to quiet. Since the executioner didn't have the foggiest idea about his casualties, it made it harder to tackle. Today is a similar case with the Washington Sniper. On the off chance that you target individuals you have no association with, at that point it is extremely unlikely to relate you to them. You can't get some information about others they knew in their life who may murder them, or who is dubious. It gives the police no connection, so they don’t have a lot to catch up on. Other than he was executing whores, and there were hundreds in London. Likewise, this was one of the principal huge cases criminologists of a more unfortunate zone (Whitechapel) needed to manage, their typical techniques included gathering together dubious looking suspects, and watching the more unfortunate regions. This was clearly not going to work for this situation. Since the Ripper needed to mix in, on the off chance that he needed whores to go with him. Likewise, the Ripper’s frightful mutilation was not what the police were accustomed to managing, it was anything but a household murder case, subsequently they had no leads, yet the Ripper was striking indiscriminately whores, accordingly they had no clue about where he could be. There was likewise a great deal of misdirecting proof. There were many letters sent in professing to be from Jack the Ripper. Just 3 of which are viewed as anyplace close to at risk. Two of which are from a similar individual, gazing with â€Å"Dear Boss†for these two letters, it could have been sent in straight in the wake of perusing the paper, or made up from a columnist attempting to advance the story. The other one be that as it may, accompanied a large portion of a kidney, that looked liable to be taken from one of the people in question. Other bogus leads like Leather Apron were likewise off-putting. The counter semantic composition on the divider, found close to Catherine Eddowes’s body, could have additionally have been an incredible assistance, or a debacle. In the event that it was a piece of information, it was cleared unusual, and along these lines they couldn't utilize it to analyze penmanship. Or on the other hand it could be bogus, prompting riots. The Jews in the past had been accused for a ton of murders, as they were broadly disdained, yet at the same time held a great deal of cash and force when all is said in done. Any notice of the executioner being Jewish would have lead to riots, which the police didn't need on attempting to get the executioner. It tends to be said they did their best utilizing what proof they had. There was no scientific proof, better prints were not utilized until 1901, there was no DNA proof, and photography for this situation had just barely begun, it made the police’s work discovering proof troublesome with such an insignificant slice of anything to go on. On the off chance that they had DNA proof, increasingly exact records of lawbreakers and better surveillance (cameras in the roads) at that point perhaps he would have been gotten. But since of restricted proof, of the executioner abandoning no weapons, and attire and ownership were later represented, the police had little to go on. The police were likewise under a great deal of weight from the press and government officials. With the press brainstorming of one story after another, it possibly gave the police such a large number of futile leads that burned through their time. The media was continually shelling the police power: their standard techniques were moderate, and not extremely compelling. But at this point, they were feeling the squeeze to get somebody, they needed to speed things up, which would have brought about a few wrong suspects, and proof. They were relied upon by the general population to get the ripper, after 5 homicides that were not forestalled after elevated security from the police, it made people in general and media put more focus on. The killings halted, there are a few presumed explanations behind this. Be that as it may, if the homicides had proceeded, it is altogether possible that somebody would have in the long run gotten him, with scarcely any whores in the city, thus numerous metropolitan police. Some presumed reasons are: The police were getting the opportunity to approach to getting him, to unsafe to continue. He passed on, or was detained for another wrongdoing. Numerous passings went unreported to the police. Moved to another piece of the UK, with not on a par with the metropolitan police power, or just moved away. Or then again moved to another nation. After the ripper murders, there were a few homicides in America, with a similar example. Due to no worldwide connections, noone ever connected the two together. Subsequent to carrying out such a large number of wrongdoings and realizing the end was close, murdered himself, this also would have conveyed no worry with the press. He had executed enough individuals. This one is generally impossible. It has been seen with different maniacs and sequential executioners, they possibly stop when they have been gotten, or pass on. It was most likely not as a very remarkable desire as an obsession. They got the Ripper, yet it infact was associated with the regal family or government, and it would have been a tremendous open embarrassment, and commotion would guarantee, so they never told the press, or any other individual in the police power he was gotten. The most effective method to refer to Why were the police unfit to get Jack the Ripper?, Papers
Friday, August 21, 2020
Comparison Essay
Both of Emily Dickinson’s sonnets are about death. â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop For Love†is more about the pattern of life than death. â€Å"I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died†identifies with the last second before death. Emily Dickinson’s sonnets are both focused on death; â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop For Death†is based more around perky and glad scenes, as where â€Å"I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died†discusses the readiness before death. Albeit the two sonnets have altogether different importance, the two sonnets both spotlight on the closure of life. In the last line of â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop For Death†Emily Dickinson says were toward endlessness. In Dickinson’s second sonnet it says, presently she trusts that the ruler will come. In the main sonnet Dickinson alludes to endlessness significance after death living for until the end of time. In the subsequent sonnet trusting that the lord will come identifies with the finish of presence, when the ruler returns to take all of us. In â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop For Death†has an upbeat completion and is an exceptionally engaging sonnet. Dickinson portrays a young lady being gotten in a carriage for all of life’s ventures. Where Dickinson’s second sonnet was a genuine sonnet, portraying the development directly before death. She specifies the quietness noticeable all around, and breath-assembling firm. One sonnet is very endearing and, the other is intense. These sonnets at last have a similar significance, however both investigate demise. The main sonnet contains the procedure of life before death, and how she is working for a fresh start. Dickinson’s second sonnet discusses her passing being the finish of everything, Dickinson even notices rotting in the grave. The primary sonnet has an inspirational point of view toward death, and the second depicts an unpleasant end to life.
Culture and Hipster Central Dogma Essay Example for Free
Culture and Hipster Central Dogma Essay Fashionable person is a subculture of youthful (15 25), urban white collar class grown-ups and more seasoned youngsters that showed up in the 1990s.The subculture is related with non-standard way of life. They esteem free reasoning, dynamic legislative issues, imagination, insight and non-standard style reasonableness. The vast majority of them can be discovered living in the enormous urban communities like New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. Likewise hipsterism is frequently entwined with particular design sensibilities .Hipsters dismiss the socially uninformed perspectives of standard buyers, and are regularly be seen wearing vintage, tight pants, old-school tennis shoes, and frequently thick rimmed glasses. People trendy people have comparative gender ambiguous haircuts that incorporate mixes of messy shag trims and uneven side-cleared blasts. Such styles are crafted by innovative beauticians at urban salons, and are normally not standard. In spite of the misinterpretation made ​​on the outside picture, trendy people will in general be knowledgeable in sciences, which require certain imaginative explanatory reasoning capacities. This prompts the way that they end up in innovative works, for example, music, workmanship, and design enterprises. It is a fantasy that most fashionable people are jobless and live off of their folks trust reserves. Trendy people evade standard, It is a piece of the fashionable person focal creed not to be affected by standard publicizing and media. This is keeps an eye on just advance ethnocentric standards of excellence, the ideas of hermaphrodism and women's liberation have affected trendy person culture, where fashionable person men are regularly as dainty as the ladies they date. Ladies see the solid, athletic and other male beliefs as images of their persecution, sexism, and sexism. In like manner, socially insipid sorority-type young ladies with counterfeit fair hair, excessively tanned skin, and Britney Spears tube-tops are not seen as appealing by refined fashionable person guys who rather consider them to be images of female instability, low confidence, and absence of social knowledge and free reasoning. In like manner, young ladies with counterfeit light hair and excessively tanned skin are not seen as alluring by refined fashionable person guys who rather consider them to be images of female instability, low confidence, and absence of social insight and autonomous reasoning. There are numerous interracial couples in trendy person subculture since they are racially liberal. Despite the fact that fashionable people are traditionalists inside their own subculture, in contrast with the a lot bigger standard mass they are pioneers most recent social patterns and goals. For instance numerous groups have gotten fruitful and known to standard crowds simply because trendy people initially found and tuned in to them as early-adopters of new culture. When certain ideas of design and music have arrived at standard crowds, fashionable people proceed onward to something as good as ever. When something from style and music have arrived at standard crowds, trendy people proceed onward to something new. In light of the ascent of different online photograph blog and long range informal communication destinations, experiences into urban trendy person culture is contacting protected rural crowds at an exponential rate. Social standards have been deconstructed by trendy person culture in general.
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Depiction of Immigration in My Antonia - Literature Essay Samples
My à ntonia by Willa Cather is a nostalgic look into the past that forces readers to feel as if they were a part of the story. Cather uses Jim Burdens voice to narrate how life during this time was viewed by someone who was a young innocent boy. This makes it an interesting perspective when evaluating what life was like for immigrants during this time especially because Jim gets to compare his life to his immigrant neighbors lives for years. Because Jim and à ntonia are similar ages it is important to note that Jim can easily compare his life to à ntonia’s life. In My à ntonia, Cather uses her platform as a way to educate people about what the immigrant experience was like in the United States during the nineteenth century, and how everyone’s experience can be a different one. The Shimerdas, a Bohemian immigrant family, were going through the process of adjusting to the new American way of life. Cather continues to depict a very vivid image of daily living for the immigrant family next door to the Burdens. The important part is that this immigrant experience was actually told from an outside perspective, looking in. Cather wanted readers to understand how the transition went for all different age groups and genders, telling exactly how each family member was doing with this change. The Shimerdas were all having different experiences adjusting to the â€Å"American Way†, Mr. Shimerda, who we are told did not even want to come to the United States, was having a particularly hard time. à ntonia tells Jim that He not want to come, nev-er! My mamenka make him come. All the time she say: ‘America big country; much money, much land for my boys, much husband for my girls’ My papa, he cry for leave his old friends what make music with him. (Ca ther, 74). Cather uses this to help readers understand what the mind set was during this time and the reason why a lot of people left their countries in hope of a better life with more opportunities in the United States. Many people during this time came to the United States in search of these same things. Cather uses Jim’s voice to explain how the Shimerda family looked physically. Instead of just narrating how the family looked Cather used Jim’s sayings for example, when he calls Mrs. Shimerda a â€Å"stooping old woman†(Cather, 74) and Jim’s grandmother corrects him by telling him that she is not old. Cather uses how Jim sees Mrs. Shimerda in his eyes as a way to depict how living a hard life as an immigrant has physically aged her. Jim does not see his grandmother who is quite a bit older than Mrs. Shimerda as being old, but he sees à ntonia’s youngerf mother as being old. Cather does a good job of giving us visual images of the family by little details such as this one, she does not just come out and say exactly what each character looks like directly. She often lets the dialogue or thoughts that Jim has to force readers to see or understand a character in a certain way. Mrs. Shimerdas transition has been hard, but she is trying to manage with what she has been given. Jim says, â€Å"We were willing to believe that Mrs. Shimerda was a good housewife in her own country, but she managed poorly under new conditions: the conditions were bad enough, certainly†(Cather, 29). Cather wants readers to know that just because immigrants may struggle in their new environments, it is not because they are not trying it could possibly just be that the new resources are much different, and it may take a while to get used to. Now of course there is a tragedy early on in My à ntonia that shows how hard immigrant life can be in such a blunt way. The tragic death in this book of Pavel the Russian, who dies from a severe injury that could not heal which then causes his best friend Peter to leave the United States. Peter and Pavel were two men from Russia that were good friends with the Shimerdas and the Burdens. The Shimerdas shared such a strong bond with them because their foreign languages were close enough to each other to communicate in their native tongue. Cather again enforces the reason why most immigrants come to the United States, to have a better life. The reason why Peter and Pavel could not stay in Russia was because they did something horrible that defined them no matter where they moved to. Therefore, they came to the United States in hopes of starting completely over. Pavel eventually gets an injury that eventually kills him, which causes Peter to go into a depression. Peter then â€Å"â₠¬ ¦ sold off everything, and left the country – went to be a cook in a railway construction camp where gangs of Russians were employed†(Cather, 50). This is such a deep message from Cather because it shows how hard life is for immigrants especially on their own. Once Peter and Pavel’s lives did not work out in the United States it led Peter right back to a dark life in their â€Å"old country†. Mr. Shimerda was devastated by the loss of his two friends Peter and Pavel. A while later Mr. Shimerda ends up committing suicide, leaving his family questing why. Again, Cather uses Jim’s thoughts to understand why they think this happened. He narrates, I knew it was homesickness that had killed Mr. Shimerda, and I wondered whether his released spirit would not eventually find its way back to his own country. †¦ Surely, his exhausted spirit, so tired of cold and crowding and the struggle with the ever-falling snow, was resting now in this quite house. (Cather, 81) This is a powerful quote Cather uses to talk about immigrants and the painful transition that can ensue after someone comes to the United States especially because Mr. Shimerda is older and had to leave a whole life behind in Bohemia. For the kids, they are able to start over in a new life when they come to the United States however, as an adult Cather shows how hard changing everything that you know, and love can be deadly to your mental health. This is a common theme in everyday life for many people, not just immigrants, getting used to a different place at any age, especially an older age, can be so difficult that often the solution that people come up with is to just give up. Cather relates to this personally, making sure that she really explained this suicide thoroughly. In an article called â€Å"The Americanisation Debate†by Guy Renolds, he explained that â€Å"Cather recalled that when she arrived in Nebraska as a girl the first thing she heard about was the suicide of Mr. Sadalaak, even though he had died several years earlier.†(Reynolds, 265). This is something that stuck strongly with that community especially with the close-knit immigrant group. à ntonia was the best at the transition in my opinion, her family relied on her to be the one to learn English even though she was only about 14 years old. She was a strong willed and hardworking young girl and was determined to learn about American culture from Jim and be outside all day even if that work was supposed to be meant for the men. â€Å"Almost every day she came running across the prairie to have her reading lesson with me†(Cather, 28). Cather uses this relationship to show how the relationship between an immigrant and their local neighbor could be despite all of the cultural and language differences and barriers. Mrs. Shimerda knows how important it is that at least one of her family members learns English which is why Cather constantly enforces how eager and motivated à ntonia is to learn from Jim. Another reason why Cather continues to talk about how strong willed à ntonia is, is so that readers can see how for immigrants, or for people in general, hard work and dedication can pay off. Briefly we get to see Jake, Jim’s brother’s opinion on the Shimerda family after a fight breaks out between him and Ambrosch over a collar that the Burdens grandfather had let Ambrosch borrow. When Jake confronted Ambrosch about getting the collar back he brought a different old collar back, this enraged Jake. Jake gets off of his horse in rage and they begin to fight, Cather uses this scene to see a different side of both groups and to hear some Americans real opinions on the immigrant people. After the fight Jake says, â€Å"’They aint the same, Jimmy,’ he kept saying in a hurt tone. ‘These foreigners aint the same. You cant trust em to be fair.’†(Cather 103). As a reader you can see the stereotyping and even racism that Jake connects Ambrosch’s behavior to all immigrants, claiming that they are all that way. à ntonia is so upset with both boys that she vows that she is no longer friends with Jake or Jim. Cather made sure th at this scene was used to see how even though Ambrosch’s actions were wrong, it was somehow his immigration status that caused him to act inappropriately. Throughout the novel the relationship between Jim and à ntonia changes, there is a scene where their gender and social status begins to separate them. Jim has gone off to school and à ntonia has been forced to stay home and work on the farm so that her family can continue to survive. â€Å"She put her arms under her head and lay back, looking up at the sky, ‘If I live here like you, that is different. Things will be easy for you. But they will be hard for us†(Cather, 111). In this scene Jim is seeing the à ntonia that he used to know instead of the new à ntonia that Jim believes is a replica of her harsh and tough older brother Ambrosch. Cather uses this scene to tell readers that immigrants have it much harder than Americans, if Jim and à ntonia were in the same situation Jim would be okay and à ntonia would have to work much harder to achieve the same things that Jim does. Antonia finally gets out of the farm and goes to work for a couple that really puts her in a really uncomfortable situation. The couple leaves for a few days and tells her that there are valuables under the bed and that she is not allowed to have anyone stay with her while they are gone. Cather is strategic with how this scene unfolds and the lead up because it is clear that the Cutters are taking advantage of à ntonia possibly because she is an uneducated immigrant that they know is loyal to working to make money for her family. This means that they think that they can treat her however they want to because they think that there is nothing that they can do that will make her quit. When Mr. Cutter comes home early, he immediately assumes that the reason why Jim was there was because à ntonia and him were in bed together. Mr. Cutter then starts beating up Jim for being there. Cather wants readers to see the unhealthy employment situation that à ntonia is in possibly because of h er inability to get an education. Fast forwarding many years, when Jim finally works up enough courage to go back to visit à ntonia who is married with several kids on the farm. Her life ended up being almost exactly as her mothers did, she got married to a Bohemian man that did not seem to want the same things that à ntonia did. Jim explains the difference in her appearance which Cather uses to describe how the tough world has broken her down as a person. â€Å"I was thinking, as I watched her, how little it mattered about her teeth, for instance. I know so many women who have kept all the things that she had lost, but whose inner glow has faded. Whatever else was gone, Antonia had not lost the fire of life.†(Cather, 250). Cather uses this final book to explain that although Jim was scared that the lovely girl he once knew would be turned into a hardened matron, he sees that her inner qualities are still the same. In Reynolds break down he explains this scene perfectly saying, â€Å"Cather describes the physical ‘breaking’ of her heroine, who now has hair ‘a little grizzled’ and many teeth missing.†(Reynolds, 264). This rejects the idea that à ntonia has been Americanized because she is continuing on the decent of her people by marrying a countryman of Bohemia and having little Bohemian speaking children. However, even though the world has abused and over worked à ntonia, nothing will ever be able to make her lose that inner amazing personality. Everyone’s experience with anything is going to be different, that’s just how the world works because everyone is so different. By Willa Cather using Jim to tell a nostalgic story she gives a detailed image of how different experiences can shape different people. Jim and à ntonia transform from these young curious people to these very different adults. The ability to compare their lives is crucial to Willa Cather’s main themes working so well. Cather uses this book to compare the stories of lives of an 19th century immigrant family and a family who is local to the United States. Works Cited CATHER, WILLA. MY ANTONIA. Penguin Books , 1994. Reynolds G. (1996) My à ntonia and the Americanisation Debate. In: Willa Cather in Context. Palgrave Macmillan, London
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Image To Illustrate Elements Of Art And Show The Importance - 1100 Words
Image To Illustrate Elements Of Art And Show The Importance (Research Paper Sample) Content: A mountainous artsCourse CodeProfessorDatesIn the 21st century has been advancement in level of technology. This has broadened the easy study in various fields in terms of communication. For instance use of internet in advancement in technology. Many people use internet to communicate in face book, twitter and watsup .this has come a good platform for the artists. For instance artists have come up with various ways of exposing their images in media which have made them earn some income .by definition an image is an external representation of someone or something in art form. In the modern society artists usually draw various images to pass a given information. They use various elements to make the image look presentable and detailed. This creates a building block used by the artists to create a work of most cases they must be used to bring out the effectiveness of the image. Therefore this paper critically discusses what is contained in an image with modern tec hnology as created by the artist and their effectiveness.[Ellis, Brenda, Daniel Ellis, and Ariel DeWitt. 2008.Artistic pursuits. the elements of art and composition Book one, Book one. Northglenn, Colo: Artistic Pursuits Inc.] In the image below illustrates an image of a mountain formation. It illustrates the elements of art used by the artist.0-127000First, the artist uses space. This is the area around and between the artist image and object. The artists call it as negative space. This space usually has a space in which the object occupies at that particular moment. In other circumstances space is taken as the feeling of the depth by an object .the three dimension is the real space used by the artists have the actual image.This can be identified from the image that has been illustrated.[Frohardt, Darcie Clark. 1999.Teaching art with books kids love: teaching art appreciation, elements of art, and principles of design with award-winning children's books. Golden, Colo: Fulcrum Resou rces.] Second, the artist has used a form. This is a three dimension shape that is used to describe height, width and length of an image or object this case the artist has used the box to present the image in the actual manner. This makes the image more presentable and clearer for the observer.Third, the image has a texture. This is how the surface quality of an image is when physically seen and can be smooth or rough, hard or soft depending on the nature of the image. For the above image of the artist has used the rough surface showing that the area covered is stony and not much productive in any nature. For instance the lower part of the mountain has many stones and little vegetation. This indicates that the area is not much fertile.Fourth, the artist has used lines. They have been used to draw the pick of the mountain shown and the sides of the mountain, they have been used to differentiate between one layers formed from another during volcanic eruption. Thi s distinguishes various layers.Fifth, the artist has used different colors. The green color represents the vegetation; trees and grass. The black color shows different cranks made into the mountain of hollow parts. The blue color shows presence of water: river flowing or lake formed.Lastly, the artist has used the element of cross hatching. There are light and dense crossed lines that are the left hand side there are cross hatched lines that creates a feeling of shadow.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Managerial Economics Chapter 9 Essay - 1641 Words
CHAPTER 9 Three conditions for a market to be perfectly competitive? Many buyers and sellers, with all firms selling identical products, and no barriers to new firms entering the market. In perfectly competitive markets, prices are determined by The interaction of market demand and supply because firms and consumers are price takers. Price taker Buyer or seller that is unable to affect the market price. A buyer or seller that takes the market price as given When are firms likely to be price takers? A firm is likely to be a price taker when†¦.. it sells a product that is exactly the same as every other firm. It represents a small fraction of the total market. Consumers are usually price takers when they buy most goods and†¦show more content†¦For a given decrease in demand, More firms exit a constant-cost industry than an increasing-cost industry Why are consumers so powerful in a market system? Because it is consumers’ demand that influences the market price and dictates what producers will supply in the market. What is meant by allocative efficiency? Allocative efficiency is when every good or service Is produced up to the point where price equals marginal cost Product efficiency When a good or service is produced at lowest possible cost. Briefly discuss the difference between these two concepts. Productive efficiency pertains to production within an industry while allocative efficiency pertains to production across industries. Perfect competition leads to allocative and productive efficiency Because prices reflect consumer preferences Because firms are motivated by profit â€Å"In a perfectly competitive market, in the long run consumers benefit from reductions in cost, but firms don’t.†Don’t firms also benefit from cost reductions because they are able to earn greater profits? No. Because short-run profits encourage entry, firms earn zero economic profit in the long run. The supply curve for a firm in a perfectly competitive market in the short run is That firm’s marginal cost curve for prices at or above average variable cost. CHAPTER 10 What is a monopoly? A firm is the only seller of a good or service that does not have a closeShow MoreRelatedEssay on Chapter 1 Profits Managers And Markets 1 1201 Words  | 5 PagesCHAPTER 1 The Fundamentals of Managerial Economics McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright  © 2014 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. 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If one defines incremental cost as the change in total cost resulting from a decision, and incremental revenue as the change in total revenue resulting fromRead MoreBrief Introduction Overview of McGraw Hills 9th Edition of Fundamentals of Corporate Finance655 Words  | 3 PagesReview Fundamentals of Corporate Finance – Ross, Westerfield, Jordan McGraw Hill Education (India), 2012, 878 Pp 9th edition ISBN: 13:978-1-25-9027628 Kumar Ratnesh* About Authors Stephen A. Ross is the Franco Modigliant Professor of Finance Economics at the Sloan School of management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Randolph W. Westerfield is Dean Emeritus of the University of Southern California’s Marshall school of Business. Bradford D. Jordan is Professor of Finance Holder of the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Leadership and Communication Management - 1261 Words
Leadership and Communication Management We all know how the computer system works: Without the talented operator or appropriate software, even if it is equipped with the most advanced hardware, the computer itself will not achieve any results. If we compare the computer system as Enterprise, leadership is the operator and communication management is one of the most efficient software. When these two important elements combine in a cohesive manner, the Enterprise should expect the best performance. R Inc. is a leading third party logistics company. It offers freight transportation logistics, outsource solutions, produce sourcing, and information services among many other services. As an employee with five years of service,†¦show more content†¦With poor communication management, leaders could deliver improper information which will impact negatively on employee decisions. Undoubtedly, as a return, the decision could negatively affect the business. To connect employee’s decision tightly toward company ’s strategy, it requires leadership to manage the communication system in the right manner. Here is one negative example that could prove my point: In my old branch, information wasn’t shared well on a regular basis. Sometimes, we were given two or three conflicting instructions from different team leads on the same task. Because the communication from leadership wasn’t well managed, we would decide individually on what we thought we were told to do or what we thought that was the easiest and best way to do. Will our decisions fit the company’s strategy or benefit the best? We did not know, we were not empowered with the vision, and we could not tell whether the decision we just made was right for the company. If leadership had managed the communication, employees could have followed the vision and made the proper decision for the company. When all of these employees’ decisions are added together, it will decide the future of the company. With or w ithout communication management from leadership to help those decisions be determined will make a big difference in the company’s future. Thirdly, Leadership has the greatest influence inside the company, and withShow MoreRelatedLeadership, Management And Communication Skills1683 Words  | 7 PagesUniversity and Kaitlyn attends Seaman High School. 5. EDUCATION/SKILLS/BACKGROUND: I graduated from Nemaha Valley High School in Seneca, Kansas. Beyond high school, my education has been learned from on the job experience. I have leadership, management and communication skills. In addition, I have the abilities to multi-task, problem solve, listen attentively, and teach effectively. 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Research On It Project Management Assessment - 942 Words
Research on IT Project Management Assessment Introduction: Project Management is a way to manage, maintain and to monitor the progress of a project. Project Manager is responsible for appropriate management; it is their duty to organize, plan, implement and deliver necessities with in time. Project Management deals with the rules, regulations, procedures and disciplines with respect to a particular project. In the world of today, several organizations are using the applications of project management because it assists in avoiding risk and it measures or evaluate quantitative and qualitative project outcomes more frequently. It can move without difficulty between industries and disciplines like IT projects, HR organizational change projects, events management etc. because the span of experience and understanding allows to understand what is required quickly enough, and the approach is strong enough that can manage almost anything. Explain project management as a discipline. Project Management as discipline describes how to teach, expedite, and help the team, helping it to deal with threats and difficulties found when building software. Project Management is a canopy discipline that influences, and is affected by, all other disciplines. Project management activities help to enhance value by creating a high-performance work environment where: †¢ Stakeholders rely on the team s capability to effectively deliver value and comprehend the abilities and tradeoffs of theShow MoreRelatedSample Resume : Chemical Engineering And Project Management1717 Words  | 7 PagesEngineering and Project Management. My experience includes team leadership and engineering design of water and wastewater treatment technologies, process management and water resources including flood and yield hydrology. In addition, I have a proven track of managing a portfolio of business projects including corporate risk management, project governance and non-compliance incident investigations. 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Literature Review on Digestive Enzymes free essay sample
Enzymes are complex proteins that cause a specific chemical change in all parts of the body (David C. Dugdale, 2011). When we understand enzymes we understand cells (Marshall Brian, 2001). In many organisms most chemical reactions are catalyzed -when a substance speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction- by enzymes. Each enzyme controls a certain function that happens in a cell. Still each one has its own process and rate that it converts molecules. Studying enzymes shows how chemical reactions work. Enzymes only work with particular molecules and if something is different or is out of place the oddity affects the enzyme from doing its job (Andrew Rader, 2012). The enzyme binds one or more specific molecules called reactants in its active site, which is specially shaped to fit it. The substance or substances on which an enzyme acts is called its substrate. The enzyme and substrates together make an enzyme-substrate complex. The interactions between substrates and enzymes weaken the chemical bonds in the substrates, which cause a link between the two, and leads to a formation of a different molecule. We will write a custom essay sample on Literature Review on Digestive Enzymes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Furthermore, that new molecule is released from the active site, and the enzyme resumes its original shape and starts the process all over again (Nazir Okur, 2007). An essential enzyme in the body system is the digestive enzyme. It helps the body digest the foods we eat by breaking down food components such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats (Theresa Phillips, 2008). Additionally they convert them into smaller absorbable nutrients that the body can use to build cells, tissues, and organs (Ron Harder, 2001). The most common enzymes are amylase, lactase, lipase, and proteases. Amylase enzymes are necessary for digestion of carbohydrates; it breaks down starches into sugars. Lactase enzymes break down the sugar and lactose found in dairy products. Lipase is the enzyme responsible for the fats that we consume breaking down. And then proteases enzymes break down proteins. The major types of proteases found within the digestive system are: chymotrypsin, pepsin, and trypsin (Barbara Bradley Bolen, 2012).
Hundreds Of Passengers Missed The Flight †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Hundreds Of Passengers Missed The Flight? Answer: Introduction Service failure occurs when the performance of a service organization fails to meet the customer expectation or a wide gap exists between the service promise and the service delivery. Service recovery are the remedial measures taken by a service organization in response to the service failure .In service industry the front line executives are in direct contact with the customers and play an important role in the service delivery process. Service encounters also known as moments of truth have a huge impact on customer perceived value of services. Service failures have multiple reasons like failure of the front desk employees to follow the proper code of conduct as mentioned in service delivery process or technological errors in the service delivery process which can lead to customer dissatisfaction (Zurich, 2017). Discussion People of a service organization who are in direct contact with customers can lead to service failure if they fail to control the tangibles like if they do not wear clean uniform or they fail to maintain a satisfactory service environment, for instance, an airport should be kept clean, layout, decor and design of the airport should be attractive failure of which can lead to service failure. Service failure can be due lack of assurance and empathy of employees of service organization. Front-line people may fail to strict to the code of conduct like failure to acknowledge the customers or failure to listen to the customer. When people working in a service organization are not reliable or responsive, for example, when people work slowly or incorrectly and there is a technological disruption in the service delivery process, customers can be dissatisfied resulting in a service failure. Service is co-produced between people of the service organization and the customers, so service failures can also be attributed to customer like his lack of service knowledge can also lead to service failure (Heidenreich et al., 2015). Case Evidence Stansted airport is the fourth largest airport of the United Kingdom. The airport serves more than 170 destinations and more than 60,000 passengers pass through the airport everyday. In May 2017, at 4: 30 AM there was a problem with security scanners at the airport that left hundreds of passengers stranded. There was a technical issue with many X-ray machines in the main security areas. The airport authority took a lot of time to process the customers security-checking which led to long queue at the airport and many customers missed their flight (service failure, 2017). Commentary Stage Service failure lead to customer dissatisfaction There are two types of customers, one who complains and the other who dont .The customers who do not complain can either stay with the service organization or switch. The customers who complain can either do so to the service provider, spread negative word-of-mouth or take third party action. These customers can either stay with the company or exit (Forrester Maute, 2013). Customers can be of four types: Passives: These customers are least likely to take any action. Voicers: These customers actively complain to service providers but do not spread negative word of mouth. Irates: They spread negative word of mouth and switch service providers. Activists: They complain at all levels, more likely to complain to third parties (Sengupta, Balaji Krishnan, 2015) The passengers who were stranded at the airport responded to the failure in-social media sites like Twitter. Customers took photos of the crowd inside the terminal building of the airport and posted these pictures online (Gu Ye, 2014). They complained that flights were not kept on hold due to the security glitch and staffs of the airport were not helpful. The problem was fixed around 8: 30 AM. Passengers used words like hell, shambles and zombie apocalypse to describe their situation at airport. Few passengers passed out and passengers who were on wheelchairs were unable to make their way through the crowd. There can be several approaches to service recovery which are as follows: Early intervention-Service organization fixes the problem before customer is affected. Systematic response Service organizations need to identify critical failure points of service and uses a protocol for service recovery Case-by-case Service organizations address customers problem individually Substitute service-Service organizations can lose customers in this process by allowing rival firms to serve the customers. Service firms should have complaint handling policy for service delivery. Service recovery strategies can be of two types: To fix the customer or to fix the problem. Finance can be pacified in case of service failure by the service organization when they respond quickly to service failure, provide appropriate communication, treat customers fairly and cultivate relationships with customers (Wilson et al., 2012). The problem can be fixed by tracking complains, learning from past recovery experience and learning from lost customers. The service gaps which lead to service failure can be of following types: Gap 1- Gap between expected service and managements perception of customers expectations. Gap 2- Gap between managements perception of expected service and transaction of perception into service quality specification Gap 3- Gap between service quality specification and service delivery. Gap 4- Gap between service delivery and external communication to customers. Gap 5- Gap between customers perception and customers expectations. Service recovery: The airport authority did not inform the passengers initially about the technical glitch, so passengers were clueless. Passengers were not served any refreshment and flights were not put on hold. The airport authority took active action and fixed the problem by 8: 15 AM .Later on the Airport authority issued an apology statement for the glitch in the security scanners which were scanning the boarding passes of passengers. They expressed their apology for the inconvenience caused to customers in Twitter and blamed the situation on an IT glitch at the airport (Zhou et al., 2013). Conclusion The Stansted Airport is one of the busiest Airports in the United Kingdom. A technical glitch can lead to chaos as hundreds of customers will miss the flight. The airport authority should take active action to co-ordinate with airlines and put the flights on hold if any situation like this occurs further. Also, customers should be provided with refreshments and special hospitality for the inconvenience. Technical glitch should be avoided and fixed promptly. Reference Lists: Forrester, W. R., Maute, M. F. (2013). The impact of relationship satisfaction on attributions, emotions, and behaviors following service failure.Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR),17(1). Gu, B., Ye, Q. (2014). First step in social media: Measuring the influence of online management responses on customer satisfaction.Production and Operations Management,23(4), 570-582. Heidenreich, S., Wittkowski, K., Handrich, M., Falk, T. (2015). The dark side of customer co-creation: exploring the consequences of failed co-created services.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,43(3), 279-296. Sengupta, A. S., Balaji, M. S., Krishnan, B. C. (2015). How customers cope with service failure? A study of brand reputation and customer satisfaction.Journal of Business Research,68(3), 665-674. service failure. (2017) Retrieved 10 August 2017, from Wilson, A., Zeithaml, V. A., Bitner, M. J., Gremler, D. D. (2012).Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm. McGraw Hill. Zhou, Y., Huang, M., SL Tsang, A., Zhou, N. (2013). Recovery strategy for group service failures: The interaction effects between recovery modes and recovery dimensions.European Journal of Marketing,47(8), 1133-1156. Zurich, L. B. (2017). Service Operations and Management.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Risk and Return Past and Prologue Essay Example
Risk and Return: Past and Prologue Essay CHAPTER 05 RISK AND RETURN: PAST AND PROLOGUE 1. The 1% VaR will be less than -30%. As percentile or probability ofa return declines so does the magnitude of that return. Thus, a 1 percentile probability will produce a smaller VaR than a 5 percentile probability. 2. The geometric return represents a compounding growth number and will artificially inflate the annual performance of the portfolio. 3. No. Since all items are presented in nominal figures, the input should also use nominal data. 4. Decrease. Typically, standard deviation exceeds return. Thus, an underestimation f 4% in each will artificially decrease the return per unit of risk. To return to the proper risk return relationship the portfolio will need to decrease the amount of risk free investments. 5. Using Equation 5. 6, we can calculate the mean of the HPR as: E(r) = = (0. 3 C] 0. 44) + (0. 4 0 0. 14) + [0. 3 (-0. 16)] = 0. 14 or using Equation 5. 7, we can calculate the variance as: var(r) = 02 = [0. 3 + [0. 4 + [0. 3 (-0. 16-0. 14)2] -0. 054 Taking the square root of the variance, we get SD(r) = 0 = 23. 24% = 0. 2324 or 6. We use the below equation to calculate the holding period return of each cenario: HPR = a. The holding period returns for the three scenarios are: Boom: = Normal: (43-40+ Recession: (34-40+0. 0)/40 = -0. 1375 = -13. 75% E(HPR) = = [(1/3) 0. 30] + [(1/3) 0. 10] + [(1/3) (-0. 1375)] -0. 0875 or 8. 75% var(HPR) = [(1/3) (0. 30 0. 0875)2] + [(1/3) (0. 10 0. 0875)2] + [(1/3) (-0. 1375 0. 0875)2] = 0. 031979 SD(r) = = = 0. 1788 or 17. 88% = 0. 5 017. 88% = 8. 94% 7. a. Time-weighted average returns are based on year-by-year rates of retu rn. Year Return = [(Capital gains + Dividend)/Price] 2010-2011 (110- 100 + or 14. 00% 2011-2012 (90- 110 + -0. 1455 or -14. 5% 2012-2013 (95-90+4)/90- 0. 10 or 10. 00% Arithmetic mean: [0. 14 + (-0. 1455) + 0. 10]/3 = 0. 0315 or 3. 5% Geometnc mean: = 0. 0233 or 2. 33% b. Date 111/20101/1/2011 1/1/20121/112013 Net cash Flow -300 -208 110 396 Time Net Cash flow Explanation O -300 Purchase of three shares at $100 per share 1 -208 Purchase of two shares at $110, plus dividend income on three shares held 2 110 Dividends on five shares, plus sale of one share at $90 3 396 Dividends on four shares, plus sale of four shares at $95 per share The dollar-weighted return is the internal rate of return that sets the sum of the resent value of each net cash flow to zero: 0=-$300 ++ + Dollar-weighted return = Internal rate of return = 8. . Given that A = 4 and the projected standard deviation of the market return = 20%, we can use the below equation to solve for the expected market risk premium: A = 4 †E(rM) AOM2 = 4 (0. 20)0 = 0. 16 or b. solve E(rM) 0. 09 = AOM2 = A (0. 20)0 , we can get A = 0. 09/0. 04 = 2. 25 c. Increased risk tolerance means decreased risk aversion (A), which results in a decline in risk premiums. 9. From Table 5. 4, we find that for the period 1926 2010, the mean excess return for 00 over T-bills 7. 98%. 10. We will write a custom essay sample on Risk and Return: Past and Prologue specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Risk and Return: Past and Prologue specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Risk and Return: Past and Prologue specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer To answer this question with the data provided in the textbook, we look up the real returns of the large stocks, small stocks, and Treasury Bonds for 1926-2010 from Table 5. 2, and the real rate of return of T-Bills in the same period from Table 5. 3: Total Real Return Geometric Average Large Stocks: 6. 43% small stocks: 8. 54% Long-Term T-Bonds: 2. 06% Total Real Return Arithmetic Average Large Stocks: 8. 00% small stocks: 13. 91% Long-Term T-Bonds: 1 . 76% T-Bills: 0. 68% (Table 5. 3) 11. a. The expected cash flow is: (0. 5 $50,000) + (0. $100,000 With a nsk remium of 10%, the required rate of return is 15%. Therefore, if the value of the portfolio is X, then, in order to earn a 15% expected return: solving x 00(1 + 0. 15) = $100,000, we get x = $86,957 b. If the portfolio is purchased at $86,957, and the expected payoff is $100,000, then the expected rate of return, E(r), is: The portfolio price is set to equate the expected return with the required rate of return. c. If the ris k premium over T-bills is now 15%, then the required return is: The value of the portfolio (X) must satisfy:x 00(1 + 0. 20) = $100, OOO X = $83333 d. For a given expected cash flow, portfolios that command greater risk premiums must sell at lower prices. The extra discount in the purchase price from the expected value is to compensate the investor for bearing additional risk. 12. a. Allocating 70% of the capital in the risky portfolio P, and 30% in risk-free asset, the client has an expected return on the complete portfolio calculated by adding up the expected return of the risky proportion (y) and the expected return of the proportion (1 y) of the risk-free investment: E(rC) = y 0 E(rP) + (1 -y) 0 rf = (0. 7 0. 17) + (0. 3 0. 07) = 0. or per year The standard deviation of the portfolio equals the standard deviation of the risky fund times the fraction of the complete portfolio invested in the risky fund: DC = y OOP = 0. 7 0 0. 27 = 0. 189 or 18. 9% per year b. The investment proportions of the clients overall portfolio can be calculated by the proportion of risky portfolio in the complete portfolio times the proportion Security Investment Proportions T-Bills 30. 0% stock A stock B stockC 0. 7040% = 28. 0% c. We calculate the reward-to-variability ratio (Sharpe ratio) using Equation 5. 14. For the risky portfolio: s For the clients overall portfolio: 3. = 0. 704 a. -Y)orf 0. 17+(1 -Y) 0 0. 07 = 0. 15 or per year Solving for y, we get y = = 0. 8 Therefore, in order to achieve an expected rate of return of 1 5%, the client must invest 80% of total funds in the risky portfolio and 20% in T-bills. the proportion of risky asset in the whole portfolio times the proportion allocated in each stock. Security Stock A stock C Investment Proportions 20. 0% 0. 8 21 0. 8 0 = 26. 4% 0. 8 = 32. 0% d. The standard deviation of the complete portfolio is the standard deviation of the risky portfolio times the fraction of the portfolio invested in the risky asset: DC = y 0. 8 0. 27 = 0. 216 or 21. % per year 14. a. Standard deviation of the complete portfolio= DC = y 0 0. 27 If the client wants the standard deviation to be equ al or less than 20%, then: y = (0. 20/0. 27) = 0. 7407 = 74. 07% b. +0. 7407 0. 10 15. a. Slope of the CML = = 0. 24 See the diagram below: = 0. 1441 or 14. 41% b. Your fund allows an investor to achieve a higher expected rate of return for any given standard deviation than would a passive strategy, i. e. , a higher expected return for any given level of risk. 16. a. With 70% of his money in your funds portfolio, the client has an expected rate of eturn of 14% per year and a standard deviation of 18. % per year. If he shifts that money to the passive portfolio (which has an expected rate of return of 13% and standard deviation of 25%), his overall expected return and standard deviation would become: E(rc) = rf+ 0. 7 rn In this case, 7% and E(rM) = 13%. Therefore: E(rc) = 0. 07 + (0. 7 0. 06) = 0. 112 or 11. 2% The standard deviation of the complete portfolio using the passive portfolio would be: OC = 0. 7 00M = 0. 7 0. 25 = 0. 175 or 17. 5% Therefore, the shift entails a decline in the mean from 14% to 1 1. 2% and a decline in he standard deviation from 18. 9% to 17. 5%. Since both mean return and standard deviation fall, it is not yet clear whether the move is beneficial. The disadvantage of the shift is apparent from the fact that, if your client is willing to accept an expected return on his total portfolio of 1 1. 2%, he can achieve that return with a lower standard deviation using your fund portfolio rather than the passive portfolio. To achieve a target mean of 1 1. 2%, we first write the mean of the complete portfolio as a function of the proportions invested in your fund portfolio, y: + y (17% = + ooy Because our target is E(rC) = 1 1. %, the proportion that must be invested in your fund is determined as follows: 11. 2% = + ooy = = 0. 42 The standard deviation of the portfolio would be: oc = y 0 = 0. 42 0 = 11. 34% Thus, by using your portfolio, the same 1 1. 2% expected rate of return can be achieved with a standard deviation of only 1 1. 34% as opposed to the standard deviation of 17. 5% using the passive portfolio. b. The fee would reduce the reward-to-variability ratio, i. e. , the slope of the CAL. Clients will be indifferent between your fund and the passive portfolio if the slope of Slope of CAL with fee = Slope of CML (which requires no fee) = Setting these slopes equal and solving for f: 0. 24 = 6. 48% 6. 48% = 3. 52% per year 17. Assuming no change in tastes, that is, an unchanged risk aversion, investors perceiving higher risk will demand a higher risk premium to hold the same portfolio they held before. If we assume that the risk-free rate is unaffected, the increase in the risk premium would require a higher expected rate of return in the equity market. 18. Expected return for your fund = T-bill rate + risk premium = 6% + 10% = 16% Expected return of clients overall portfolio = (0. 16%) + (0. 4 0 6%) = 12% Standard deviation of clients overall portfolio = 0. 6 0 14% = 8. 4% 19. Reward to volatility ratio = = 0. 7143 20. Excess Return (%) a. In three out of four time frames presented, small stocks provide worse ratios than large stocks. b. Small stocks show a declining trend in risk, but the decline is not stable. 21 . For geometric real returns, we take th e geometric average return and the real geometric return data from Table 5. 2 and then calculate the inflation in each time frame using the equation: Inflation rate = (1 + Nominal rate)/(l + Real rate) 1. The VaR is not calculated, since the values used to determine the VaR in Table 5. 4 are not provided. Comparing with the excess return statistics in Table 5. 4, in three out of four time frames the arithmetic real return is larger than the excess return, and the standard deviation of the real return in each time frame is lower than that of the excess Comparing the nominal rate with the real rate of return, the real rates in all time frames and their standard deviation are lower than those of the nominal returns. Comparison The combined market index represents the Fama-French market factor (Mkt). It is better diversified than the S 500 index since it contains approximately ten times as many stocks. The total market capitalization of the additional stocks, however, is relatively small compared to the S 500. As a result, the performance of the value- weighted portfolios is expected to be quite similar, and the correlation of the excess returns very high. Even though the sample contains 84 observations, the standard deviation of the annual returns is relatively high, but the difference between the two indices is very small. When comparing the continuously compounded excess returns, e see that the difference between the two portfolios is indeed quite small, and the correlation coefficient between their returns is 0. 99. Both deviate from the normal distribution as seen from the negative skew and positive kurtosis. Accordingly, the VaR (5% percentile) of the two is smaller than what is expected from a normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation. This is also indicated by the lower minimum excess return for the period. The serial correlation is also small and indistinguishable across the portfolios. As a result of all this, we expect the risk premium of the two portfolios to be similar, s we find from the sample. It is worth noting that the excess return of both portfolios has a small negative correlation with the risk-free rate. Since we expect the risk-free rate to be highly correlated with the rate of inflation, this suggests that equities are not a perfect hedge against inflation. More rigorous analysis of this point is important, but beyond the scope of this question. CFA 1 Answer: V(12/31/2011) = (1/1/2005) O (1 + = $100,000 (1. 05)7 = $140,710. 04 CFA2 Answer: a. and b. are true. The standard deviation is non-negative. CFA3 Answer: c. Determines most of the portfolios return and volatility over time. Answer: Investment 3. For each portfolio: Utility = E(r) Investment E(r) 0 Utility 02) 1 0. 12 2 0. 15 3 0. 21 4 0. 24 0. 30 0. 50 0. 16 0. 21 -0. 0600 -0. 3500 0. 1588 0. 1518 We choose the portfolio with the highest utility value. CFA 5 Answer: Investment 4. When an investor is risk neutral, A = O so that the portfolio with the highest utility is the portfolio with the highest expected return. CFA 6 Answer: b. Investors aversion to risk. CFA 7 Answer: = [0. 2 0 (-0. 20)] + (0. 5 0 0. 18) + (0. 3 0. 50) = 0. 20 or E(rY) = [0. 2 (-0. 15)] + (0. 5 0. 20) + (0. 0. 10) = 0. 10 or CFA8 OX2 = [0. 2 0 (-0. 0 0. 20)2] + [0. 5 0 (0. 18 0. 20)2] + [0. 3 0 (0. 50 0. 20)2] 0. 2433 = 24. 33% OY2 = [0. 2 0 (-0. 15 0. 10)2] + [0. 5 (0. 20 0. 10)2] + [0. 3 (0. 10 0. 10)2] 0. 1323= 13. 23% CFA 9 E(r) = (0. 9 0. 20) + (0. 1 00. 10) = 0. 19 or 19% CFA 10 = 0. 0592 ox = 0. 0175 = The probability is 0. 5 that the st ate of the economy is neutral. Given a neutral economy, the probability that the performance of the stock will be poor is 0. 3, and the probability of both a neutral economy and poor stock performance is: 0. 3 0. 5=0. 15 E(r) = (0. 1 00. 15) + (0. 6 0. 13) + (0. 3 0. 07) = 0. 114 or 11. 4%
Friday, April 17, 2020
Use the World Bank YPP For College Essay
Use the World Bank YPP For College EssayThe World Bank YPP Essay Sample is a resource that allows you to use the World Bank YPP for College. This resource helps you build the information you need to write a successful college essay.The information you'll get from the World Bank YPP is straight from their experiences. You can see what they did when they were trying to solve a problem and then you can do it yourself. That's an added benefit of using this resource.Review the YPP and decide which questions you need to prepare answers for. You will need to know this information before you begin writing your essay. Start by reading the World Bank YPP sample guide. Use it as a reference to plan out your essay, and then go on to the next section.An important part of the first portion of your essay will be an introduction. It will introduce the audience you are addressing and give you a sense of who you are as a writer. Review the sample.In this section, you will write a preliminary statement . Your objective in this section is to establish your topic. You want to be sure that you are able to do this well before you move on to the next part of the essay. Make sure you understand your topic and have good examples to support your statements.This part of the essay is where you are allowed to explore some solutions that you may have come up with on your own. This will provide you with an idea of how your essay will be written. This part will also help you revise and refine your ideas.The final section of the essay is a brief section that will follow the introduction. The goal is to write a conclusion that provides the readers with more information than they originally had before they began. Keep in mind that these are two different things.The final section of the essay will typically be a conclusion that will tie everything together. Don't make this last section too long because it will only bore your readers. Finish your essay by using the World Bank YPP for College.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Management Info System Essay
Management Info System Essay Management Info System Essay MGMT 393 Homework Assignment 1 One thing the text talks about is management information systems (MIS). It describes what MIS is and its purpose. The book basically breaks MIS down and talks about what it’s made of and the important resources within it. It is important for people to understand MIS in order to process and manage all information dealing with any technology tools in their organization. Another thing the book talks about is using customer relationship management (CRM) systems. Using customer relationship management systems helps organizations understand what a customer may need or want. The basic reason for this system is to help people organizations to build a lasting relationship with their customer in order to give them what they want. The book also talks about relational data base. It tells what the relational data base does and how it stores information. The software’s components of a data base management system are also discussed in the book. It basically describes each component of the database management system and how they work. There is the data warehouse and its characteristics. In the data warehouse there are four types of mining tolls. The types of tolls are described in the book. The mining tools are broken down and explained to show what each tool does. Another key part of the book is the decision support system (DSS) and the geographic system. The decision support system helps make decisions while the geographic system analyzes information. There is expert system which is also known as knowledge based systems. This system helps you come to a conclusion on decisions that have to be made. Then there is talk of the agent based technologies. The agent based technologies is a type of technology that helps do daily tasks. These agent based technologies include information agents, monitoring and surveillance agents, user agents, and data mining agents. Each agent based technology is described and the functions are explained. Another important topic in the book is e-commerce business models. The nine major e-commerce business models are broken down and described in the book. Basically theses e-commerce business models describes how each models sells it products and services. This would include selling it product and services to businesses, consumers, individuals, or even government entities. The outsourcing environment is a factor that is described. Outsourcing is the delegations of a
Saturday, February 29, 2020
What Does a Rigorous High School Schedule Look Like?
We at frequently use the term â€Å"rigorous†to describe course loads and course schedules. That’s because rigorous studies in high school are something that admissions committees look for specifically during the application process. They want to know that applicants are capable of difficult, college-level work.  It’s not surprising then that we often hear from students asking, â€Å"How can I make sure my course load is challenging or rigorous enough?†If you’re wondering how to assess if your classes are up to snuff and how to choose a course load that’s challenging without being overwhelming, this post is for you. Rigorous is a vague term, but it can be more helpful to think of your course load as it compares to the course loads of other students at your high school. Admissions committees understand that not all high schools offer a full suite of challenging course options. While some have dozens of AP classes or an IB program to choose from, others have only college placement or honors tracks available. Luckily, you don’t need to worry too much about how many options are available at your high school, since this is out of your control. Instead, you need to focus on choosing the most challenging options available to you. You can think of a rigorous course load as the one that represents the most challenging track available at your high school. To learn more about how your classes will impact your college applications, check out our post Should I Take AP/IB/Honors Classes? . Being the most challenging track available, a rigorous course load can sometimes be a little overwhelming, especially at first. You should start by easing into a challenging course load. During ninth grade, select classes that are rigorous enough to challenge you, but not enough so as to overwhelm you. Think of 9th grade as a time to test the waters and see what you’re capable of. Remember, it is always easier and looks better to add another class or transfer to a more challenging section than it is to drop a class or move down to a less challenging one.  In addition, balance your course selections with reasonable extracurricular commitments. Focusing on two or three extracurriculars is ultimately enough, especially if you stick with them consistently and work your way up to leadership positions or increased responsibility. Dropping an extracurricular after 9th or 10th grade is no big deal if doing so means that you can keep your grades up and take on more challenging classes. Our Early Advising Program helps students in 9th and 10th grade discover their passions and build strong academic and extracurricular profiles to succeed in high school. Admissions committees generally want to see well-rounded students insofar as having completed four years of coursework in each core subject area. This includes English, history, math, science, and usually a foreign language. In fact, many colleges require that applicants have completed four years of coursework in each of these subject areas just to meet application prerequisites. In these core subject areas, you should strive to take the most challenging courses that you’re capable of doing well in, and your primary focus in studying and achieving should be in these core subject areas. Taking any additional classes is not necessary, but it does represent an opportunity.  Beyond the core subject areas, any elective classes that you take should reflect your interests. This is an opportunity to reinforce any potential career choices or college majors. Rather than worrying about taking especially challenging electives, think of them as a chance to explore and demonstrate your interests. Taking electives shows intellectual curiosity and might even allow you to discover a new interest. The balance between better grades and harder classes is always a delicate one. We hear from many students wanting to know if they should take a harder class and get a B, or an easier one and get an A. While there’s no universal answer that will impress every admissions committee, it’s important to know that admissions committees aren’t interested in easy A’s. In fact, a 4.0 GPA in regular college-placement classes may actually be a deterrent to some admissions committees who are looking for students who want to challenge themselves. In general, a good rule of thumb is that if you think you can achieve a B or higher in it, take the more difficult class. Admissions committees will appreciate that you have worked hard for that B, rather than pursuing a less rigorous track. Planning a rigorous track starts in 9th grade. To get off on the right foot, you should make a four-year plan. The simplest way to do this is by using backward design. Start with 12th gradeâ€â€what classes do you need to be taking in 12th grade in order to get into the types of colleges you hope to attend? These classes are generally the highest level courses available at your school. They might be AP or IB classes if your school offers them, or they could simply be honors level classes if that’s all your school has available. Work backwards from 12th grade to ensure that your prerequisites are met each year. It is much easier to work backwards incrementally from your final 12th grade goal than it is to start with your ninth grade classes and try to imagine where they’ll take you. It’s a good idea to meet with a guidance counselor as you create your four-year plan. You’ll want to ensure that you’re meeting all graduation requirements and that it represents a course schedule that is rigorous as compared to others available at your school. Your guidance counselor will be able to lend some insight into which paths are commonly taken by students with the same goals as you. In addition, remember that the classes you enroll in aren’t the only way to impress admissions committees. You can also highlight your academic chops through options like independent studies, summer college courses, or online coursework. To learn more about these options, check out our post What To Do If Your High School Doesn’t Offer AP Classes . Lastly, if you’re looking for more personalized guidance through high school, consider the benefits of ’s Mentorship Program , which pairs each student 1:1 with a mentor from a top college who can help you develop the skills you’ll need for becoming a successful college student.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Facts that have contributed to urban violence in Brazil Research Paper
Facts that have contributed to urban violence in Brazil - Research Paper Example According to Graham, â€Å"In 2012, 94 police officers have been killed in the city  twice as many as in all of 2011.†Graham also states that â€Å"Between July and September, on-duty police officers killed 119 people in the metropolitan area.†These killings are related to crime and the statistics portray a gloomy picture about the real crime stories obtaining in the Latin American cities. The main problem is that the rate of poverty is high in urban areas that are neglected by the government. Apparently, the organized crime groups as well as the poorly paid members of the police force stay in these areas. The poor police officers living in such areas end up being targets of organized crime groups though they are also suffering and living in abject poverty like anyone else living in the area. The poor urban areas in Brazil are home to thousands of immigrants and the situation has been compounded by the proliferation of gangs who deal in drugs (Graham). It is q uite difficult for the police officers to execute their duties since they are even scared of exposing their identity for fear of being victimized or even killed by the members of the organized crime gangs. Unfortunately, some police officers have become members of the crime gang syndicates as they try to supplement their meager earnings as well as to solicit for protection from the terror gangs so that they are not attacked as well as their families. On the other hand, it can be noted that Roberto Bricano Leon, Andres Villavecas & Alberto Concha Eastman posit to the effect that Brazil reports the highest rates of homicide as a result of the fact that it has a high proportion of urban population and high rate of poverty. The researchers also note that â€Å"the factors related to violence include social inequalities, lack of employment opportunities, urban segregation, a culture of masculinity, local drug markets, and the availability of firearms and widespread use of alcohol.†This situation is compounded by inefficient judicial system especially in Brazil given that it fosters impunity. People can wantonly commit heinous crimes like murder but they can still get away with it. At least, if there were effective judicial systems in this country, the situation was likely to be under control. The study also notes that the majority of young males aged between 15 and 24 years especially in Brazil are the most perpetrators of violence and they are also the prime targets. The main cause of this undesirable trend is related to high unemployment rates which significantly contribute to high levels of poverty. Unfortunately, the government is doing very little in order to address the socio-economic factors that lead to crime such as unemployment. Most people resort to drug abuse and this causes them to indulge in serious crimes that have often resulted in loss of life. Murray Joseph, Daniel Ricardo de Castro & Khan Tulio state that â€Å"between 1980 and 2010 ther e were 1 million homicides in Brazil. Dramatic increases in homicide rates followed rises in inequality, more young men in the population, greater availability of firearms, and increased drug use.†The most important aspect portrayed the authors of this study is that Brazil has the fifth largest population in the world: 197 million people according to the (World Bank 2012b). Apparently, 30% of whom are under age 18 as reported by Unicef 2012. With a gross national income of about (US$ 11,500 per capita in 2011,World Bank 2012b), Brazil continues to have one of the highest rates of inequality in the world. Reaserach has also shown that about 10.9% of the nation's population live in poor conditions of less than $2 per day and the youths are most impacted. Research
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Effects of Music Therapy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Effects of Music Therapy - Research Paper Example Multiple effects to a patient result from music playback during surgery in the operating room, as it helps him to calm down and yield to the application of anesthesia just before the commencement of surgery. In this case, music tends t calm down normally tense and nervous patients when the use of anesthesia fails. It also works in terms of providing a positive atmosphere for the patient to think positively about the forthcoming surgery and the likely outcomes (Nilsson n.d.). Furthermore, on calming down a patient, it allows the patient to relax by acting as a form of distraction from the fear of undergoing surgery, pain and anxiety. This way, playing music in the operating room helps patients cope with pain and the accompanying feeling of being in a strange environment. These concept works together with the earlier concept of a positive environment. This is because the application of music cuts back on the focus towards other likely events and feelings and directs them to music and i ts impact. This is rather than focusing on pain, fear and frustration, but more on the healing process and a positive outcome. In addition, the issue of experience, for the patient, comes up in regard to the use of music in surgery. This concerns patient satisfaction during surgery due to anxiety and its interaction with anesthesia. In this case, music eliminates, by a large percentage, any discomfort caused by induction of anesthesia and recovery of the patient during an operation as it. Moreover, since anxiety works adversely on patients during and after an operation, applying music during and before an operation, improves the rate of recovery in a patient and decreases, substantially, the occurrence of pain and delayed recovery after surgery (Arslan et al. 2007). Still on patient experience during surgery, music plays a key role towards improving it, as hearing ability during surgery and under general anesthesia remains active. In this regard, a patient remains conscious of the a udio on goings in the operating room environment thus, the use of music drowns out all other sounds (Nilsson, n.d.). This way, the patient is only able to concentrate on music and its positive impact such elation in mood, elimination of anxiety and induction of relaxation. In addition, music and interactions with regional anesthesia work towards the good of the patient in relation to dosage. This is because application of music during surgery lowers the need for sedatives to quell pain and induce sleep. In addition, studies show that playing music in the operating room during surgery displays substantial impact on the consumption of opioid analgesics, in that the dose rate decreases dramatically (Iblher et al. 2011). Music also lowers the amount of cortisol levels in the blood meaning that, in surgery, it reduces the amount of stress in a patient. This occurs by brightening up the patient and soothing offering a pleasurable auditory stimulus. Playing music prior to surgery yield eve n better result as compared to during and after surgery, thus preference in music playback is before. However, the music used determines the effects in that to lower stress; sedative music is preferred as it has a slow tempo and smooth tempo, thus the effectiveness in lowering anxiety and stress (Arslan et al. 2007). In addition, music plays a crucial role in surgery by influencing the nervous system through entraining body rhythms to decrease the activity
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Camping Technology :: Camps Camping Technological Papers
Camping Technology Could something designed to make life easier end up ruining everything we have worked to preserve? Technology can sometimes be quite controversial. In my major, I have found that it can be almost more of a frustration than a blessing. In most industries, technological advancements are viewed as a positive step towards efficiency and economic growth. This is not always the case, however. In the camping industry, for example, the constant â€Å"improvements†are often a source of frustration to many die-hard campers. When people go on vacation they generally have a common goal, which includes relaxation, adventure, and escape from the stress of their everyday life. They often want to spend quality time with their family without distractions. Camping is an exciting and affordable way to get all of those things. For a relatively low price you can pitch a tent at a State Park and â€Å"get back to nature†-- at least that’s how it used to be. Unfortunately times are rapidly changing, and camping, as it was intended, seems to be a thing of the past. To illustrate my point, I would like to paint a picture of the typical State Park camping experience. Pretend you are a vacationing middle class businessman from down state wanting to take his family on a camping excursion â€Å"up north†over his two week summer vacation. In order to spend a night in one of Michigan’s beautiful State Parks, there is a simple procedure that everyone must go through. First, you must dial a toll-free number, 1-800-44-PARKS, (or use the internet to make a reservation at ) up to 6 months in advance to your pre-planned date of arrival. Spontaneity is overrated anyway. After you dial the number you have to type in the first four letters of the park that you wish to visit. At this point you will be connected with an operator in Maryland who will help you pick out a site number that will suit your needs from a park she’s never seen before in a state she has never been in. This is called privatization, whi ch is an issue for a different essay, which I will avoid complaining about in this paper. So, this operator takes your credit card information and charges you $20.00 per night, plus a $2.00 reservation fee. She will then spend 10 minutes reading you a list of rules and regulations for camping in a State Park.
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